RFI procedure regarding pre-FEED, FEED and determination of technical parameters required to obtain the necessary permits and approvals related to the development of the BALTIC EAST OWF project

RFI procedure regarding pre-FEED, FEED and determination of technical parameters required to obtain the necessary permits and approvals related to the development of the BALTIC EAST OWF project  Pokaż więcej  Zwiń

Przedmiot oferty

Lp. Nazwa pozycji Ilość
-- Kryteria formalne i ogólne --
1 Preparation of the Project Schedule (according to Scope of Work) 1 JD
2 Preparation of a list of developed project documentation (Master Document Register) and a list of compliance of the applied design solutions with the requirements specified in the certification scheme guidelines 1 JD
3 Offshore Wind Farm Design 1 JD
4 Balance of Plant (BoP) Design 1 JD
5 Performance a risk analysis of the cable laying in the offshore section (cable burial and risk assessment) - a preliminary cable damage risk analysis/burial assessment should be carried out based on available data and should include, but not be limited to, the following aspects and methodology in accordance with industry standards and national regulations 1 JD
6 Conducting preliminary grid analyses confirming compliance (at a given design stage) 1 JD
7 Prepare a comprehensive cybersecurity analysis for each component of the BoP. 1 JD
8 Complex risk analysis of the project for entire OWF and interface management. 1 JD
9 Development of the concept of communication and control between OWF components and between OWF and the TSO (OCC, SCADA). 1 JD
10 Preparation of technical conditions of works for tenders for OWF and the entire BoP 1 JD
11 Specifying ESG policy requirements 1 JD
12 Performance of market analysis in terms of contractors, suppliers and their availability for each element of the OWF 1 JD
13 Preparation of a procurement (contracting) and construction strategy (based on technical and economic analysis - division into packages to optimize CAPEX 1 JD
14 Preparation of detailed cost estimates for execution (investor cost estimates) and estimation of costs associated with operation and maintenance of the BALTIC EAST OWF project. 1 JD
15 Preparation of a preliminary traffic organization/delivery plan for the construction phase 1 JD
16 Execution of all necessary environmental surveys, preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and obtaining an final and irrevocable Environmental Decision for BoP 1 JD
17 Identification of potential alternative properties (i.e., in addition to parcels 17/133 and 17/135) on which it is possible to build an onshore substation 1 JD
18 Preliminary determination of the number of available spare bays in PSE 400kV Choczewo Substation, to which it would be possible to connect the BALTIC EAST OWF (for all identified technological Variants). The Contractor will determine the technical concept of ONS interconnection to the PSE 400kV Choczewo Substation (overhead line, cable line, overhead line with cable section) for all technological variants for each potential property 1 JD
19 Execution of the Expert Reports as specified in the Maritime Safety Law of 18 of August 2011 (Dz. U. 2011 Nr 228 poz. 1368). 1 JD